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A shot of knowledge as quick and delicious as an Express-o
Unlike others, I thrive under pressure.
We’ve got five minutes. Take your clothes off.
Hint: it’s your lipstick’s new BFF.
Because you want to look good when you’re necking a bottle of champagne, #letsbefrank.
Bacteria on your face: bad. Bacteria in your gut: good. My babe Carla Oates a.k.a. The Beauty Chef gives me the lowdown on what’s going on in your belly. Â
The mermaids want to have a chat with you.
I chatted to the hair experts at Evo about how to look after your hair properly and why you shouldn’t put yoghurt and berries on your head.
It's time to think clean (for once). Let's ditch the toxic chemicals in your bathroom for clean, natural ones. Here's how.