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Self-care while you Twitch, keyboard smash, and chill.
Ever wondered how this stuff got all up in your face? Turns out, it’s been here since 200 B.C.
Flying away babe? Your skin has already gone somewhere else long before you’ve arrived. Here’s a breakdown of what’s going on while you’re going up.
Winter came. Clothes went on. Your skincare routine left the building. And your face looks like it last saw the sun in 2001. Bring it back and take me with you.
We’ve got five minutes. Take your clothes off.
Hint: it’s your lipstick’s new BFF.
I chatted to the hair experts at Evo about how to look after your hair properly and why you shouldn’t put yoghurt and berries on your head.
It's time to think clean (for once). Let's ditch the toxic chemicals in your bathroom for clean, natural ones. Here's how.
Natural feels as good as naked.