Hey, babe. It seems you got lost in your travels. I can help you find the store you need.
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This version doesn’t involve a juice cleanse.
Learn how to prime it right.
Find out why I'm different to your ex.
#letsbefrank, you're too smart to smother yourself in nasty stuff any longer.
"It's amazing for your skin, I can't live without it."
The perfect base is one that’s bright, smooth and healthy.
It all came to fruition over a long lunch.
By now you should know that I (and most men) prefer you without pants.
And that includes my tan. But you'd never know it. #letsbefrank
So make sure you exercise bare faced, unless you’re outside in which case pop on some SPF.
A list that ticks off key ingredients in your food groups, all while satisfying cravings and hunger.
You just have to jump in and see what happens.