Dirty by definition is:
“Causing a person or place to become unclean
Or, being covered or marked with an unclean substance.”
Thanks Oxford Dictionary. But #letsbefrank, the word has been taken into a somewhat different territory. Well babes, I’m here to bring it back. Getting dirty, is pretty much first base in my books.
So it’s time to wash the slate (or bathroom tiles) clean.
Talk Dirty
That’s not on those 1800-numbers. Although I’m short, dark and handsome, I want to talk to you about coffee-based skincare. Here are some pick-up lines I prepared earlier:
#1: Hi babe, I’ve noticed you’re not eating any cashews. That’s fine, we can still hang out. My Coconut Coffee Scrub is nut-free so it’s perfect for babes with allergies and sensitive skin.
#2: Hey babe, that’s a wild mane. Want to give it a bit of gloss? Use my Body Balm on the ends of those locks to keep them moisturised as you frolic along the beach.
#3: Hey babe, you’re radiant. Have we met before? Are you using my Lip Balm to keep those eyebrows at bay and your cheeks extra highlighted?
I have a pretty good track record. 686,000 frankfurts can’t be wrong.
Act Dirty
At least twice a week. More, if you use my face range. Jump into the shower and dampen that bod down. Then pick up your favourite coffee scrub, depending on your mood.
Want a beach holiday? Grab the Coconut Coffee Scrub. Just had dinner? Get the smell of after-dinner mints with my Peppermint Scrub. Sweets are more your thing? Smell like jaffas with my Original Coffee Scrub or like a scrumptious chocolate cake with my Cacao Coffee Scrub.
Rub onto your bod in big sweeping motions. Leave for 2-3 minutes then rinse. Seal the deal with my Body Cream.
Think Dirty
Acting dirty is one thing, thinking dirty is another. This is where you develop a ‘dirty mind’, babe. Like knowing the dirty details in the day of the life of some fabulous frankfurts.
Play Dirty
#letsbefrank, I look a lot like dirt. So use me as your inspiration, like this babe.
Tell me all the dirty details on social. Don’t forget to #thefrankeffect.
xx frank.