Getting down and dirty with babes, who have junior frankfurts is one of my favourite past times. They work so hard for others, so I love being able to do something for them and their skin. Destiney LaVonia is Mom Crush Monday. Frankly, she’s my crush every day.
What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up?
I believe in purposeful parenting, which means that I have to live a purposeful life in general. When I wake up in the morning, I think about what I want to accomplish for the day, and how I can make the most of my time with H and in progressing myself towards my goals. It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out process; but I take just a few moments to center myself and I find that it helps me stay focused throughout my day.
Then, what’s the first thing you do?
Usually, H and I get up together, make breakfast, and talk about our day or our dreams we had the night before. A few days a week she will spend the day at her Montessori School, so I love that no matter what, we always have our mornings together. Each day I see more and more of her personality developing because I let these morning moments be uninterrupted time with her.
You’re known for your confidence in motherhood. Tell me, how did you get this name?
A good friend of mine actually came up with the name for me; and although I’m always honored when people think of me as ‘momcrush’ worthy, for me, it’s more about honoring other mothers and this journey we are all on together. I think that the best thing we can do as mothers is support other women on their journey, and being confident enough in your own journey to know that it doesn’t have to match someone else’s to be valid.
It’s all about taking care of the both of you. How do you have time to do this?
Schedule, schedule, schedule. I can’t stress it enough. Being mindful about what helps H be her best self, and being mindful about what makes me my best self is crucial. By acknowledging these things – whether it be H spending at least one free hour outside a day, or my alone time at the gym – we empower ourselves to have a good day, every day. When I look at it like that, as control over my own path, it makes it easier to prioritize those moments in our day.
You’re rushing out the door, 3 tips to make yourself look and feel good?
1. Mascara. Always mascara. 2. Always have a couple staple accessories you can quickly add to any outfit to make yourself feel more put together; a hat, a kimono, a cute bag. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, and that’s easy to take a casual outfit to the next level. 3. A smile. I mean it. Smile even if you’re stressed and it’s the last thing you feel like doing. It catches on. Smile to the people walking past you, smile to the cashier when when your toddler is throwing a tantrum, and eventually, as people smile back at you, you’ll actually feel like smiling. Best version of fake it until you make it, in my opinion!
What did you get from your momma?
I got my nose and my tenacity from my mom.
What’s one thing you’ll teach your kids, which your mum taught you? How to be respectful of other women, and that by building each other up, we build ourselves up. That’s something I practice daily, and the message I hope my daughter receives loud and clear.
What’s something your mum has, that you wish you did?
I love my mom’s freckles! I think they are the cutest, and tehy add so much character to her face.
Your main personality trait that came from your momma?
I’m grateful that I inherited my mother’s empathy; that ability to feel what someone is going through and allowing it to drive me to continue to give, even when it becomes difficult.
One thing that you want to tell your momma?
Thank you for taking your own journey and allowing me to learn the lessons that have set me up for my own journey in life.
Lastly, who should frank get down and dirty with next?
Brittany Maddux of; she just welcomed her second child, a precious baby girl.
The beautiful images on my website & in this article are taken by @emmylowephoto.
xx frank