Alicia’s favorite thing to wear is nothing, and I can’t help but agree. She’s a heavy lifter, a shower singer, and her own hype woman. Insert heart eyes here. We talked about armpits and birthday suits. #letsbefrank what else would you expect from me?

F: First things first, what’s your coffee order? 

A: An iced coffee with a shot of French vanilla and a little bit of cream.

F: What do you love most about your personality?

A: It would have to be my optimism.

F: Let’s get this out in the open. What are your thoughts on being naked? 

A: If I could be a nudist I absolutely would. I’m naked all, all of the time.

F: What’s your take on armpits?

A: Armpits are underrated. I think they should be shown off a lot more than they are.

F: What’s something you wish you knew before switching to clean deodorant

A: There’s only one thing I wish I would’ve known before switching to clean deodorant and that is that it actually works.

F: We all have our own shower routines. What’s yours?

A: It takes about 25 minutes. Music, singing, body wash, shampoo, and some me time.

F: What helps you feel confident?

A: Hyping myself up in the mirror, at least three times a day.

F: Is there something you do every day that nobody knows?

A: I walk around my house naked.

F: Besides scrubbing with me, how do you prefer to move your body?

A: Any type of heavy lifting. So powerlifting, bench press, squats, and deadlifts.

F: And finally, something my frankfurts will want to know: what has your journey with self love been like? 

A: Hard. It’s a learning process every single day. But it is also very rewarding.