Skin can be moody. Think of it like your BFF with a hangover. You need to feed it the right food, or else it’ll get even crankier. And while one person might love fried food the morning after, another needs energy drinks and protein smoothies. 

Skincare, like babes with hangovers, isn’t a one size fits all solution. By understanding your skin type, you can know what food, I mean skincare, to feed it.


1. Take a look in the mirror. What do you see?

A. Dull looking skin and a tight feeling when you smile.
B. A shine brighter than diamonds, from your forehead to your cheeks.
C. A little from column a, a little from column b.
D. Some redness and bumps. And that’s from just looking at it.

2. How does your skin feel when you touch it.

A. Rough, tight, and scaly.
B. Slick and greasy.
C. Oily in some places, dry in others.
D. Ouch. Don’t do that.

3. What’s one beauty product you can’t go without:

A. A hydrating moisturiser.
B. A mattifying powder.
C. A facial spray.
D. Honestly, everything pisses your skin off.

4. What’s your relationship like with zits?

A. You don’t get zits often, but get bumps and flakiness.
B. You hate them, but they can’t get enough of you.
C. They always pop up in the same spots.
D. They’re not really zits, more redness and rashes.

Mostly As: you’re drier than a martini.
What you need: hydration and exfoliation.

Use my Original Face Scrub twice a week.
Use my Brightening Vitamin C Mask once a week.
Use my Charcoal Face Cleanser morning and night.
Use my Caffeinated Face Moisturiser morning and night.
For extra hydration, use my Glow Mask in the morning.

Mostly Bs: you’ve got oily skin.
What you need: chemical exfoliation.

Use my Original Face Scrub once a week.
Use my Brightening Vitamin C Mask twice a week.
Use my Charcoal Face Cleanser morning and night.
Use my Caffeinated Face Moisturiser morning and night.
Use my Anti-Makeup Cleansing Oil at night. Oil attracts oil and my cleanser removes excess.

Mostly Cs: you’ve got normal/combination skin.
What you need: a routine you can stick to.

Alternate between my Original Face Scrub and Brightening Vitamin C every 2-3 days.
Use my Charcoal Face Cleanser morning and night.
Use my Caffeinated Face Moisturiser morning and night.
Use my Glow Mask when you want a boost of hydration or my Anti-Drama Face Mask when you want to calm down breakouts. 

Mostly Ds: you’re a sensitive babe.
What you need: gentle products that won’t piss off your face.

Use my Original Face Scrub once a fortnight.
Use my Brightening Vitamin C Mask once a week.
Use my Charcoal Face Cleanser morning and night.
Use my Caffeinated Face Moisturiser morning and night.
If you’re experiencing redness, add in my Anti-Drama Face Mask to soothe and calm skin.