Firstly, what are acne scars?

Often babes get the red dots left after an active pimple confused with a scar. This is your body’s natural response to any sort of skin trauma aka the pimple that was there at the wrong place, wrong time. Naturally these will surface but they are not to be confused with scarring. Scarring is the uneven skin that creates a crater-like look and feel. Don’t fret babe. If the dots are getting you down, there are plenty of tricks to reduce them but #letsbefrank, you’re a babe no matter what.


How does acne occur?

Acne occurs when your hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells resulting in breakouts that often have a crater-like look and feel. Breakouts can be caused by a variety of things; from hormones and genetics, to diet and stress, and because we can’t control a lot of these triggers, breakouts can be really annoying. But, like everything, they’re not forever.

My Poreifics Kit is here and how very interesting, acne isn’t…. Coincidence? I think not.


With regular use of my kit, many babes saw a noticeable difference in their skin.

Step 1.

First thing’s first, you want to focus on active acne. Charcoal based products are best for this.

Find it in: My Charcoal Face Cleanser.


Step 2.

Get clay. White clay has been used for centuries to remove dead skin cells whilst helping to create new ones.

Find it in: my Original Face Scrub.


Step 3.

Eat yo vitamins. Seal in moisture, protect your skin from the environment and keep redness, scars and marks at bay with natural oils and Vitamin E.

Find it in: My Caffeinated Face Moisturiser


Find all three: In my Poreifics Kit.

I made something you can reach for every day so acne doesn’t surface on any. Containing a cleanser, scrub and moisturiser, my 3-step face range brings together all the best natural ingredients to reduce inflammation, redness, scarring and breakouts. And it even does it on a budget (it’s only $49.95).


So, shall we head back to your place, babe?

love, frank
