The busier you are, the more you’ll get done, and the more you’ll feel driven and included in the work place environment.

The busier you are, the more you’ll get done, and the more you’ll feel driven and included in the work place environment.

I know you’re all dedicated scrubbers, and boy am I appreciative. I really do enjoy every moment, and every grain of coffee spent with you.

But I know that your whole life isn’t spent in the shower with me, #letsbefrank. You have jobs, lives, and other commitments.

Jobs can be hard, right? Especially if you’re not in love with yours, like I am mine. And even if you are, concentration will always wander.

I want you to be successful, babe. And that means being switched on, driven and using your initiative in both the shower and the workplace.

So here come some tips and tricks, consider this Concentration 101. Just remember that the harder you work, the more enjoyable your scrub will be after work.

1. Search for opportunities. In essence, ask for more and take on more. This might sound foolish, but the busier you are, the more you’ll get done, and the more you’ll feel driven and included in the work place environment.

2. Write a list. Include the positives, negatives, and challenges of the week. If it’s all on paper in front of you, it’ll be easier to find a way to climb out of the issues and focus on the positives. Ticking things off is a simple way to feel good about yourself, every day.

3. Learn something new. Find something that can improve your current skillset and attract further opportunities. You’ll feel empowered and you’ll also impress your superiors.

4. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stay present and in the moment. Allow yourself to fail, and then grow through getting back on track and powering on. You’re on your own journey, not the person next to you.

I know that the happier you are at work, the more fun we’ll have later.

So make sure you’re honest with yourself, and your employers or colleagues.

Show them the real you, just like you show me.

And your reward for a hard day at work? I’ll leave that for you to figure out.

xx frank


The busier you are, the more you’ll get done, and the more you’ll feel driven and included in the work place environment.