I have recently been exploring my softer side. And to do that, I’ve found one of the most softly spoken pocket rockets you’ll ever meet. Babes and man-babes, meet Natascha Elisa.
What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up?
Then, what’s the first thing you do?
Shower, whilst thinking about chocolate.
You have a very multifaceted lifestyle. Tell me a little about how all of this started?
An inability to concentrate on just one thing at a time. Coupled with an equal passion for travel and a healthy lifestyle that then fuelled creativity and volunteering.
Do you have a favourite aspect?
I can’t pick one! I wish there were more hours in the day so I would have more time to do them all!
You’re the co-founder of Models of Compassion. How does this organisation work?
We believe that the most important tool is education; and through educating influencers about their surroundings we can make a difference. Utilising social media and it’s incredible outreach, means that we can hopefully have a ripple effect worldwide.
How do you split your time? Do you have strict routines or are you more ‘go with the flow’?
Neither of the worlds strict or routine can be applied to my life. It’s definitely taking each day as it comes.
You love an adventure. What do you think had you falling in love with life on the road?
Learning, exploring, growing, experiencing.
What’s on your bucket list?
Visit the wildlife in South Africa, Sky dive over a tropical island.
Travelling so much, do you think this has an impact on your skin?
Of course! Change in climate and the awful air on planes can dry out your skin, leaving it full and unhappy. I’m actually writing this from a plane right now, about to spritz myself.
And how do you deal with that?
FACE MIST! I carry it in my hangbag at all times and spritz when I want to feel fresh.
Tip: Also great at music festivals to make you feel a lot fresher than you really are. I also use coconut oil as a moisturiser.
You’re packing your hand luggage – what’s inside?
A book – I tend to read The Alchamist – Paulo Coelho again and again. A sketch pad to illustrate or jot down ideas. And snacks.
#letsbefrank, plane food isn’t ideal. How do you deal with this?
BE PREPARED! Nothing worse than being stuck on a plane with no options but plane ‘food’ – can we even call it food? I have managed to avoid it at all costs by packing apples, bananas, seeds & nuts, bars, raw chocolate etc. For longer flights I’ll make or buy a salad to bring onboard.
Another tip: I recommend organic ginger chews as an onboard snack – the ginger helps with jet lag.
And lastly, who should I put on my to scrub/dirty talk list?
My best buddy/roomie/partner in crime and co-founder of our non-profit @modelsofcompassion, Destiny Sierra.
Let’s make the next date we have the three of us, okay babe?
xx frank